CASUAL FRIDAY! #6! This week we offer you, our beloved Casual Friday consumers, our dear friend, Mat Cothran (of Elvis Depressedly & Coma Cinema) playing a beautifully simple, acoustic version of “Burn A Church”
Mat has been our bud for quite a while now. We had the distinct pleasure of releasing his third album “Blue Suicide” on vinyl, and have spent the past few years hanging out, driving around, playing/recording music, encouraging/insulting each other, and building up one of those high quality, long-term friendships where there's times you get mad at each other, but ultimately that deep seated love beats it out, and you've gotta make up, whether you want to or not.
Mat's super talented and he leaves today to go to LA to record his next Coma Cinema album with TV Girl. He deserves all the good and positive vibes, thoughts, prayers, spells, and text messages you can muster in the general direction of his aura.