We've all been excitedly waiting for the release of the 4th Coma Cinema full-length “Posthumous Release” to descend upon us and the day is finally here. If you were paying attention to the widest of world webs, you'd know Mat posted the digital version on Bandcamp on Saturday as a super surprise for everyone who was grinding their teeth at the thought of waiting any longer. The good fortune of that is that all of you have most likely been falling in love with this beautiful album ALL WEEKEND LONG, and if you haven't already ordered a physical copy of it, there are three beautiful options for you!
Do you still prefer CDs over all these MP3's floating around in the world? Dig the less compressed, higher sound quality of a glass master? Prefer to keep your 16 bits and 44.1 khz as uncompressed as you can (without dealing with giant WAV files and SACDs?) Well then we've got you covered in our store.
Are you into vinyl? Think album art should only be created in 12″ squares? prefer that analog warmth of grooves shaking a needle through an amplifier into your eardrums? Curious to hear our favorite way to listen to the album? Well we've got you covered there, too. (side note to all vinyl orders: We had a problem with damaged stampers at the vinyl pressing plant, and they are having to be remade. We're working hard to make sure we get the records as soon as possible so we can ship them to you as soon as possible. We know you've been waiting a long time (as have we) and we appreciate your patience)
Love cassettes? Do you want that analog warmth but don't want to pay vinyl prices? Do you like super limited pressings of really good music? Our buddies over at Orchid tapes have you covered on this front!
Regardless of how you listen, make sure to give this incredible album a little time to break into your soul.