As some of you may have noticed over the past two years, Mat is never not busy. This has probably been going on for longer than that, but 2 years is roughly how long we have been friends with him. Where as the last Coma Cinema full length came out a year and a half ago, he has since put out five releases under the moniker “Elvis Depressedly”, an EP with “Gremlins”, done a hand full of tours, recorded/mixed a bunch of artists, collaborated with Karmessiah as “Purge Team”, and probably 100 other things that are unfortunately not at the front of my mind at this moment.
Today, his latest release from Elvis Depressedly (Hotter Sadness) is available for your download (or on cassette via the wonderful label Orchid Tapes). We hope that you download it, buy a cassette, and offer your support for some music that we love.
Mat wrote:
“So here we are.
Click here to download the new elvis depressedly album, hotter sadness, and click here to buy it on cassette via orchid tapes.
When I arrived on the earth my mother was 18 years old. Her and my dad didn’t stay together for long, and I spent years in a spiraling, strange planet sometimes terrified sometimes so full of love that I couldn’t feel anything else. I started writing songs at 15 and since then that’s been my life. It has kept me alive and kept me going.
Now I’m 24. Broke, drunk most of the time, and I don’t know what’s going to happen. My equipment is all broken, so you’ll notice a drastic change in this albums fidelity, and my life is a mysterious and desperate struggle for some kind of feeling that I’m not sure exists. I know i’m not alone here.
I want to thank everyone for supporting me, I want to tell my family I love them very much, and I want to tell my friends that I appreciate what you’ve done to get me through. I love you more than I would ever know how to say.
The record is free to you, if you want to “pay what you want” you can, and maybe I can get a new mic stand or two. If you’d like to support the incredible tape label Orchid Tapes please do. The cassette comes with some neat extras, some of my favorite pictures my mom took, and other stuff.
Please be kind to yourself, know that your body and your soul is what you’ll need to heal others. Don’t ever fucking take it for granted.
Your pal,
Mathew Lee Cothran”