Welcome back to another CASUAL FRIDAY! Our “casual” one microphone recordings of Fork & Spoon family, friends, & beyond.
I can't think of a better Casual Friday recording experience that this one with Chemical Peel playing “Singing Western.” Victoria's parents own a house right down the street from ours. They were over there making copies of their new cassette, Bad Cream, and just walked down the street to come record a song. Ony played acoustic guitar, Max played upright bass, and Victoria played a snare drum with brushes. We ran through the song a few times trying to find the best way to record it, and then decided the most appropriate way to end the evening was to walk down the street and get some ice cream. I love when sweet people make tough music, and if you haven't been introduced, I encourage you to check out their two cassettes, CHEMICAL PEEL and BAD CREAM.